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Abigail K. Wenner

President & CEOExecutive Consulting International LLC

Washington D.C. Metro Area

Member Since March 2018


We've all experienced that moment of panic when, as the perceived authority, we are asked a question that we are expected to know but secretly are clueless of the answer. Then there are those moments when we are put on the spot to make a quick decision, concerning a critical issue but no matter how hard we try to think of one, our brain goes, "ghost," on us. These scenarios have become common place for senior executives who are struggling to keep pace with the whirlwind of technological and economic changes affecting our global economy. Like never before, executives are being challenged to develop new ways of thinking to make better decisions, with limited information but lack the necessary skills to do so. Today's executives have discovered that their new indecisiveness is a recurring phenomenon and whether they try to ignore or hide it, it perseveres. This realization only exacerbates their need to keep their self-doubt deeply secret because they fear if they don't, their colleagues or boss will find out they don't have all the answers. Eventually their unknowing overwhelms them and hinders their ability to lead their organizations effectively. Typically, it is at this point that senior executives recognize that they need to understand what is triggering their fear and indecisiveness. They also see they must overcome the accompanying anxiety and stress because it is paralyzing their overall capabilities. My goal, as an executive coach/consultant is to guide and support these executives struggling with these challenges to see new possibilities to which they were previously blind. I help them shift their way of thinking around risk, loss and change. Through a unique process that leverages neuroscience, with business acumen and leadership development skills, I help executives learn to collaborate, innovate and find resolution to problems, they never imagined possible. The good news is that by helping executives develop new brain smart approaches to overcom

Company details

Executive Consulting International LLC

Company bio

Abigail K Wenner is President & CEO of Executive Consulting International LLC (ECI). ECI uniquely leverages brain science, business acumen and leadership development to help senior executives and their organizations excel in ways they never imagined possible.


Management Consulting

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